pole to pole with ME

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Start of the journey

Even though I don't leave the country for a week, I feel that the excursion has begun. I spent yesterday with Mom and Dad in Red Deer & helped to dispatch a deer to the freezer. Yes, it's hunting season.

At the moment, I am enjoying the cordial company of L & P and their two little darlings in Edmonton. It's so wonderful to catch up, since we have not seen each other since August (bad auntie! must visit more often!)

So the task this week is to take a breather & chill out from the hectic season (pick one - spring, summer or fall - they were all hectic) and get into travel mode where the world just happens and one can be open to it. On Tuesday night I attended an inspiring slide show of a trip to Bhutan made by a dynamic young Banff couple. It was a great reminder of the importance of recording your thoughts. I hereby pledge to keep up on this journal (I'm notoriously bad for petering out & getting sidetracked in my journalizing). So even if my friends are far away from where I am, we can all travel together!


At December 02, 2005 6:21 PM, Blogger Nezbitt said...

Can't wait to hear all about your adventures!!
But you must promise to update often!!


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